
Table of Contents (Online Help)


User Interface

The Loan Performer menu, windows and reports can be changed into English, French, Spanish or Russian. You can also create your own language interface. If you want to switch to another language, you have to go to menu System\Configuration\Users, click on Edit and pick your username among the list of users. Then change your language to one you like. As soon as you save, everything changes automatically. You find more about changing labels on page System\Configuration\Define labels.

All menu items are accessible by pressing the Alt key and the character of the menu-item that is underlined (first press Alt key to reveal the shortcut characters). For instance Clients can be accessed by pressing Alt+C. Once the item is highlighted, the Enter key can be pressed – if necessary – to start the chosen option.

Certain items can be accessed directly without passing through the main menu. Example: if you press the Control key and the D key together, you can enter a deposit. This is the same as choosing the menu option Savings\Deposit with the mouse. Wherever there is a shortcut, this is indicated in the menu (in case of a deposit: CTRL+D).

Access to menu-items is user-definable. Go to menu: System\Configuration\Set User Access Rights. Here you find the different user groups as columns in the window (Guest, Cashier, Savings Officer etc.). For each category, you can define whether they have access to certain menu items. Just indicate the right of access with a check-mark in a corresponding cell. If for menu item x you indicate that a Savings Officer has no access, then anybody being classified as Savings Officer will not see item x in the menu structure after they logged in.

The field of this table called 'Do' gives the procedure to run when this item is chosen. If you add your own options here, you will have to write your own procedures, compile them, store them in the LPF directory and indicate the name in the do field of this table.

In case you want to make modifications in the table, it is always better to contact Crystal Clear Software Ltd. and let us know what you have changed. This will make updates easier.

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